Posted on 10/31/2022

By Adobe Photo Stock Get Your Car Ready for Winter: 5 Tips from the Pros It's that time of year again! Time to trade in your sandals for boots, your ice cream for hot chocolate, and your convertible for a sled. But before you fully embrace all things winter, there's one more thing you need to do: winterize your car. Here are five tips from the pros to get your vehicle ready for the cold weather ahead. How The Pros Prepare Their Vehicles For Winter 1. Check Your Tires One of the most important things you can do to winterize your car is to ensure your tires are in good condition. In the winter months, roads are often icy and slippery, which can lead to accidents. Checking your tire tread depth and pressure regularly will help ensure that you have a good grip on the road and can avoid any accidents. 2. Change Your Oil Another important tip to remember when winterizing your car is to change your oil. Cold weather can cause thicker oil, which means it won ... read more