Posted on 11/1/2018

At Ponder Auto Repair, we don’t just want to provide auto repair for you. We want to help you have the best relationship with your car that is possible. We want your car to last a long time and for you to truly enjoy the experience of driving it. With winter fast approaching, you’re going to want to take some time to winterize your vehicle. What is winterizing? Don’t worry--we can help. Here are a few reasons why winterizing your vehicle is so smart: Save Money Winterizing means maintenance and maintenance saves you money in the long term. Bringing your vehicle in for regular checkups and getting it ready for winter means that you can get ahead of major repairs you might need. Knowing what repairs are coming up means not being blindsided by a huge auto repair bill, which is a win for everyone! Shed Some Light On The Matter Winterizing will involve checking your lights. With darkness setting in earlier and staying with us longer, it is even more cr ... read more