Posted on 3/28/2017

If you live in Johnson City, part of your spring cleaning should include car and truck repair at Ponder Auto Repair. We’ve worked on all makes and models of cars, trucks, and SUVs. We have been committed to our customers and our community since 1982. So, as the weather warms up and spring gets you out of the house and doing home repairs, don’t forget to take care of your vehicles. Car maintenance and repairs should be done after the cold, winter driving. Doing the needed work now can save you more expensive and time-consuming repairs later on. You don’t want to be going to a graduation or summer vacation and have car problems. Our experienced and friendly technicians are ready to help you tackle your auto maintenance and repair chores. Here are some things you may want to put on your spring cleaning list. Some of these you can do yourself like cleaning the exterior and interior of your car, but the others you should have a professional take care of. C ... read more