Posted on 3/1/2022

Photo by Casey Horner on Unsplash Staying Safe While Driving In The Rain. We have some rainier months ahead of us in Tennessee, and that means some interesting driving conditions, too. Rain brings all sorts of special surprises to the surface. Despite the odd "crazy driver," rain is sure to bring some dangerous road conditions as well. Rain introduces all sorts of problems to our roads. Wet conditions wear away the road surface and cause problems for tire stability. Moisture leads to mud, loose gravel, chunky asphalt, and more. All of which can cause major problems, not to mention being blinded by heavy rainfall; due to bad windshield wipers! So, here are a few ways to stay safe while driving in the rain. What Can I ... read more
Posted on 2/1/2022

Photo byDearCompany onPixabay This month, we dedicate our blog to February "Filter Fun!" In light of Valentine's Day and all the love going around, we thought it would be nice to go over the things our vehicle needs; to keep it healthy and our relationship together going strong. When considering your Valentine's Day date options, don't forget your vehicle, too! Your vehicle has four main filters, and all of them perform critical functions. A healthy vehicle filter is the first line of defense between your vehicle's important fluids and the harmful debris in the atm ... read more
Posted on 1/1/2022

Image by Arek Socha from Pixabay Turkey time is over, Santa's flown home, and Johnson City wakes up to the light of a new day. Happy New Year's everyone, I hope you are all doing great! With that being said, I'm sure we all have some things we would like to improve this year, or maybe some goals we want to reach for the future. Let's include our vehicles in all the fun and make a shortlist of New Year's resolutions that cover their needs too. Our vehicles work hard, sometimes too hard. Depending on our lifestyle and jobs, our vehicles might be shut away for weeks-on-end; or stuck in the field day after day. Both situations call for some special attention, and maybe ... read more